Monday, January 24, 2011

Revenge 101

 My  O.C.D   began  with  the  night  I  was  raped.  Constant  showers  made  me  feel  clean  and  beautiful  again.  It  had  gotten  to  the  point  where  I  would  stay  in  the  shower  for  days  at  a  time.  My  body  would  be  a  prune  when  I  got  out.  Rape  is  never  any  victim's  fault,  but  I  blamed  myself  for  the  attack.  If  I  hadn't  led  that  man  on  like  that,  teasing  him  with  my  supple  breast.  Grinding  against  his  genitals,  shaking  my  large  toned  ass  all  in  his  face,  then  maybe  he  wouldn't  have  snapped.  I  blamed  myself  because  it  was  all  my  fault!  So  much  therapy  and  it  only  made  life  worse.  I  was  to  blame  for  all  my  troubles.

 Life  had  become  so  much  of  a  blur,  that  I  didn't  realize  I  was  standing  two  feet  away  from  my  assailant  in  the  post  office.  He  recognized  me  instantly  and  walked  over.

"Listen,  I'm  sorry.  I'm  so  sorry!"  Tears  were  coming  from  his  eyes  like  melting  ice.  He  extended  his  hand  in  reconciliation,  but  my  entire  body  was  frozen.  Here  he  was  in  HD  apologizing  for  his  sin  and  I  couldn't  move  if  I  wanted  to.

"Did  you  hear  me?  I'm  sorry  I  hurt  you.  How  can  I  make  it  up  to  you?"  When  I  didn't  respond,  that  bold  bastard  wrote  down  his  phone  number  and  stuffed  it  inside  the  large  pocket  of  my  hoodie.

 For  the  rest  of  that  day,  I  was  confused  about  what  happened.  He  had  known  that  I  didn't  press  charges  and  for  him  to  approach  me  like  that  in  the  open,  made  me  feel  like  he  was  okay  with  what  he  had  done.  Casually  dropping  his  number  in  the  pocket  of  the  girl  he  raped  weeks  ago!  An  apology  was  fine,  but  did  he  really  expect  me  to  call  him?  Maybe  the  reality  of  the  attack  had  finally  set  in  because  at  that  moment,  I  wanted  to  get  revenge!

 It  took  me  another  two  weeks  to  plot  together  a  plan.  I  had  let  go  of  the  anger  to  appear  more  forgiving.  Andrew,  the  rapist,  met  me  at  the  Dots  Inn  motel  two  blocks  from  the  strip  club  where  I  was  assaulted.  We  spent  five  hours  talking  about  the  incident  and  Andrew  cried  each  hour.  He  had  brought  me  jewelery  to  make  up  for  his  transgressions,  but  a  diamond  ring  couldn't  replace  what  was  left  of  my  virginity.  That's  what  I  told  him  anyway.  I  put  the  many  gifts  Andrew  brought  me  into  my  black  travel  bag.  There  were  a  few  other  surprises  that  I  packed  for  that  snake,  Andrew.

 "Let's  have  sex.  Consensual  this  time."  Lies  rolled  from  my  lips  as  I  convinced  Andrew,  who  seemed  to  have  suffered  from  severe  depression,  to  undress  and  lay  on  the  bed.  Dimming  the  lights,  I  swayed  my  hips  over  to  Andrew.  I  could  hear  my  heavy  heart  beat  as  I  straddled  his  small  frame.

 Sitting  on  top  of  him  made  me  want  to  vomit.  The  fact  that  he  had  actually  gotten  an  erection  was  unbelievable!  I  unzipped  the  side  pocket  of  my  black  travel  bag  and  removed  a  pair  of  handcuffs.  Andrew  protested  so  much  that  I  had  to  show  him  my  breast  to  shut  him  up.  Handcuffing  him  to  the  headboard,  I  then  removed  a  small  plastic  valve  from  the  bag  and  popped  opened  the  top.

 "What's  that?"  Placing  my  finger  over  his  lips  to  silence  him,  I  gently  stroked  Andrew's  penis  with  my  hand.  His  eyes  rolled  in  the  back  of  his  demonic  head.  Squeezing  gently,  rubbing  that  criminal's  dick  until  it  swelled  with  intent  to  cum.  Then  with  all  the  force  I  could  muster  up,  I  jammed  his  thick  dick  into  the  tiny  valve  of  pure  Sulfuric  Acid!


Anonymous said...

Ariona this story helped me get over a serious rape that happened to me. I wanted to get revenge on my attacker. Thank you. TEAM ARIONA!!

Ariona #1 fan said...

I'm a huge fan of yours. Can you give me a shout out. It's my birthday today. Thanks. Julissa.

Anonymous said...

I love the way you think! TEAM ARIONA!!!

Anonymous said...

The comparison with snakes and Sulfuric Acid! That shit burns! I live in the country and that's what we used to keep snakes away. TEAM ARIONA!!!

Anonymous said...

When are you writing a book? I'd definetly buy it.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing. Ariona, when are you going to write a book. You can get paid from this shit. If you don't already.

ariona taylor said...

Hey Julissa!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Thanks again for reading.

ariona taylor said...

I would love to write a book for your enjoyment. Give me time and I promise, I'll make sure you LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

I love you Ariona!

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering if you were going to write a book or make a movie with Tyler Perry?

Anonymous said...

Ariona I wanted to write like you. Who do you work for so that I can get my stories out there. Brena