In the ninth grade, a school bully kicked me so hard in my back, that I was rushed to the emergency room. After that, the teacher thought it would be a good idea to move me to another class. Sitting in the back of the special education class, I felt belittled and worthless. Even the mentally challenged students were laughing at my frayed, dirty clothes. With no support from anyone, I ran away.
Mama only help to find me because she was getting a check from the Department of Social Services. When the social worker and police found me, I was hiding under the staircase in the library. When I told the social worker about being teased, she recommended an alternative school. NovaNet was basically for underprivileged children with family issues such as mine. Someone from the administrative office had donated a box full clothes and shoes to my front door over the weekend. Was I happy to wear designer clothing to school.
That Monday morning. Up early, in the shower, dressed to impress, I strutted down the street to school. There were guys blowing their car horns at my defined curves. All the attention made me feel great. Once I entered the classroom, I noticed a slight tingle between my legs. I knew it was because all of the hip switching I was doing. My fellow classmates were studying at the computers. When I sat down, a girl that never spoke to me, leaned over a tapped me on the shoulder.
"Hey! You fit those really well." She was very popular, so her comment really brighten my day.
"I hope you washed them good. They gave me the worst yeast infection." Instantly my crotch began to itch. I ran to the bathroom and took the jeans off. There was a rash on the inside of both thighs. Too raw for touch, I couldn't put my jeans back on. I had to walk down the hall, legs opened like an Ostrich, in my underwear!
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