I stood at the soda machine angry that it only sold Coke products. Grabbing a orange flavored Fanta, I took the elevator back downstairs. Minutes later, the cutie pie joined me outside without his crew. He stood a foot away from me as he opened his cigarette pack and lit one up.
"Oh excuse me. Do you mind?" Ain't he sweet? I just smiled and sipped my soda.
"They're your lungs." Pulling out my Blackberry, I logged on to my favorite website and commented on a few posts. Just then, that same guy sat next to me on the concrete wall, but without the cigarette.
"I'm Daron Weston. And you are?" Gently placing my manicured hand in to his masculine ashy hand. It appeared that whatever occupation Daron had, he worked hard.
"My name's Ariona Taylor and I'm not sleeping with you just because you're being polite." Men thought that since I spoke with proper grammar and knew words like Omnipotent, which meant almighty, unlimited power. Most men thought that I was a high class prostitute, instead of a very intelligent woman. They felt like they had to buy expensive gifts for me to open my legs. I was so beyond that stage. Now that I was twenty-four, I was looking for love.
"Oh, That's cool. I really just wanted some head anyway!" Bursting into laughter, Daron stood up and walked inside of the building. I tried to hold my smile in, but it refused to be hidden. Daron motioned for me to come inside as our break was over.
Occasionally throughout class, Daron and I would glance at each other and smile at the immature jokes we told during our breaks. Daron made me laugh and not just any laugh, a deep heartfelt laugh that brightened my entire week. After class, we went out to lunch in the school's cafeteria. We knew class was over, but as long as we showed our school I.D, we were granted a discount. Daron was mature for his age. Only nineteen and working for his uncle as a cement mixer, Daron had his ups and downs in life. He had paid his debt to society for his prior arrest of possession of a control substance with intent to sell. I listened carefully as the youngster poured his heart to me.
School wasn't going so well. Math was like another language and I was the illegal alien trying to learn it. Daron was also struggling but with science. He talked about giving up and I slapped him out of it, literally. Nothing was going to stop us from proving everyone else wrong. We just needed to relieve some stress. Daron lived with his uncle and five kids, so I invited him over to my small apartment for a home cooked meal and a movie. After dinner, I sat on the barstool sipping on a glass of Island Fruit. Daron was on the front porch smoking a cigarette. When he came in, Daron hurried and locked the front door. There I stood butt naked, glistening with baby oil.
Daron kissed me all over. Laying me down on the black leather sectional sofa, spreading my legs as far apart as they would go. His tongue rubbing the top of my clitoris like a feather, then curling his strong spit filled muscle around my swollen sweet spot. Within seconds, Daron's face was covered with my love. He was generous enough to wrap my trembling legs around his wide shoulders and plunge that long, thick, black erect dick into my awaiting hot, moist, dripping wet pussy. Daron gave me as much sex as my little body could handle.
Our instructor was impressed that Daron and I mastered the weakest subjects. Two months later, we graduated and received our equivalent diplomas. My motivation wasn't to be educated or get a good job. There was no goal for a G.E.D, but to finish something I had once started. G.E.D no longer meant General Education Diploma to me. After meeting Daron, GED stood for something I could use more than reading, writing, science, history and mathematics. My new definition of G.E.D was;
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